本日のTOEFL学習 英作文(9/6)




 TOEFL対策 本日の英作文のテーマ



It is said that we live in the age of internationalization, and it is believed that we have to learn English to get along with this situation. However, a lot of people are shocked to know that a number of Japanese are not able to speak English. Almost all Japanese can read English to some extent but are poor at speaking it. Why is their speaking ability poor?
Firstly, the geographical, historical, and linguistic elements are taken into consideration. Japan is an island country and consists of only one tribe. We all are isolated from the other world, and we have few chances to speak with foreigners. Moreover, Japanese is unique in terms of linguistics. The structure is totally different from that of English. This difference makes mastering English difficult.
The second point is English education in Japan. It is often said that Japanese people tend to know the grammar of English a lot but can’t speak it. One reason is that they mainly learn grammar in school. For most students, English is one of the subjects of the entrance examination of college. Another reason is the shortage of Native English teachers. Because there are few foreign teachers, students rarely have the chance to speak English in school. In order to change this situation, English education in Japan should be changed.
The third point is the personality of Japanese people. It is pointed out that Japanese people are not durable to mistakes. While speaking English, we tend to be too nervous not to make mistakes. Therefore we can’t relax when we speak English. And we are poor at expressing ourselves. When we talk with Japanese people, we share the premise of a common understanding of each other. However, we shouldn’t expect foreigners to understand ourselves the same way. We should always make what we think clear.
We shouldn’t be ashamed of our poor English speaking ability. What is most important is making it clear that we sincerely want to talk with others.

 TOEFL向け 本日の英作文の気づき

To begin with: そもそも、第一に

It is said that we live in the age of internationalization, and it is believed that we have to learn English to get along with this situation.

However, a lot of people are shocked to know that a number of Japanese are not able to speak English. Almost all Japanese can read English to some extent but are poor at speaking it. Why is their speaking ability poor?

Firstly, the geographical, historical, and linguistic elements factors are taken into consideration.


First of all とかInitially があるみたいです。

・〜 are taken into consideration.

take into account も使えそうですね。

Japan is an island country and consists of only one tribe.


a racially homogeneous nation


We all are isolated from the other world the rest of the world, and we have few chances to speak with foreigners.

Moreover, Japanese is unique linguistically in terms of linguistics. The structure is totally different from that of English. This difference makes mastering English difficult.

The second point is English education in Japan. It is often said that Japanese people tend to know the grammar of English a lot but can’t speak it.

One reason is that they mainly learn grammar in school.

in schoolって冠詞いらないのかな。

For most students, English is one of the subjects FOR the entrance examination of college.

Another reason is the shortage of Native English teachers. Because there are few foreign teachers, students rarely have the chance to speak English in school.


In order to change this situation, English education in Japan should be changed.

The third point is the personality of Japanese people. It is pointed out that Japanese people are not durable to mistakes.


While speaking English, we tend to be too nervous not to make mistakes.

注意するは carefulで良いとのこと。

Therefore we can’t relax when we speak English. And we are poor at expressing ourselves. When we talk with Japanese people, we share the premise of a common understanding of each other.

〜を前提にするは、assume で良いようです。

→ We assume that we understand each other when we talk with Japanese people.

However, we shouldn’t expect foreigners to understand ourselves the same way.We should always make what we think clear.

the same way って副詞句か?_

We shouldn’t be ashamed of our poor English speaking ability. What is most important is making it clear that we sincerely want to talk with others.


・embarrased って当惑させるという意味らしい。ずっと恥ずかしがらせるだと思ってた笑
・be ashamed that ~ で恥ずかしいと使えるようです。知らんかった。
















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